Nitty Gritty Model 1.5 Record Cleaner
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Automatic rotation during scrub and vacuum cycles, manual fluid application.
Now record cleaning is faster and easier with Nitty Gritty’s 1.5 machines. Nitty Gritty’s unique Capstan Record Drive automatically rotates the record during fluid application and vacuum suction-eliminating the need to manually scrub the record. The vacuum strip fibers scrub the record at the same time it’s being rotated and vacuumed. Neat and simple. A slide-out waste tray on the bottom allows easy spent fluid disposal. With these automatic features, you’ll be able to clean more records in less time than with the Model 1.0!
Dimensions: 15"x9"x8.5"
Auto-rotation during scrubbing
Auto-rotation during vacuuming
Waste fluid drain plug on bottom
Vinyl woodgrain cabinet (black)
1 year manufacturers parts and labor warranty
1x "velvet" record cleaning brush
1x four-ounce bottle of PURE 2™
1x small whisk