in Professional Reviews
Audio Art Statement I Power Cable
Included in my December 2012 review of Audio Art’s Interconnect, speaker, and power cables was a segment devoted to their Statement II, one model below their Statement I, Audio Art’s top-of-the-line power cable, and the subject of this review. In my review of the Audio Art products I stressed the importance of substituting the cabling of one’s entire audio system with a single brand of a different cable to provide the best overall results in attaining a clear representation of what a particular brand’s effect on the audio system, be that positive, negative, or somewhere in between. It will also reveal the particular “sound” of a brand of cable, that is, if it has one, and how far these cables veer from perfectly transparent, that is, performing as if no cable at all exists between the components, and in the case with power cables, the wall receptacle. And since no cable that you or I know of fits this paradigm of a perfect cable, the characteristics of the cables will reveal themselves to a much greater extent than simply replacing one cable in the system with a different brand or model of cable.
Written by Audio Art Cable USA Admin